F2F Class Notes March 30th (Ben)


significant (sign = meaning) = that has a meaning, that is important

The communist parties in Europe are pretty insignificant. Nobody votes for them and they don’t control much.

communism = the political regime where production tools are put in common for the community

state council 国务院 = the cabinet that oversees the government, and makes sure that laws are implemented

politburo = 政治局

party elders = 

a spectacle = 精彩的表演

Some meetings are more about spectacle than power.

strong = often used to make a number important

The team is 5-members strong.

The Communist Party is 80-million members strong.

ruthless = cruel and unfeeling 残酷无情的

Stalin was a ruthless man who killed millions to achieve his goals.

obsessed, obsessive (with, about) = always thinking about

He is obsessed with money. He cannot think of anything else.

My father is obsessive about work. He can’t do anything else.

dissent (dis = no, sense = feel) = disapproval of majority opinions

If you express dissent to the North Korean government, you will have a bad time.

A dissident = someone who expresses dissent.

Cuba has jailed a lot of dissidents who criticized the government.