F2F Class Notes 30th March (Tony)[W]


throw away – to put something in the garbage

eg: “I threw my computer away.”

hassle N. – an inconvenient thing

eg: “It would’ve been a hassle to sell it, and I wouldn’t get so much for it.”

the rest of – the remaining amount, all the ones you still have

eg: “The rest of my classes will be VIP.”

cockroach – Zhanglan

eg: “Cockroaches live in dirty places.”

opposite corner,   (for physical location you don’t need of)

it’ on the opposite corner.    The club is opposite the store.

Good is the opposite of bad. That’s the opposite of what I wanted.

It’s on the opposite side of the building.

Writing exercise

Original –

I like my job because I can meet a lot of successful owner of their companies. And I am really interested in leaning those immigration policies. Some countries’ policies are clear and stable. These countries seem to really understand what kind of people they want to need, but some nations may be not. Their immigration procedures are opposite the former. They usually change their policies and inform us to tell our clients without any reason. Because of this, we have to spent a lot time in explanation to our clients.


I like my job because I can meet a lot of successful company owners. And I am really interested in learning more about immigration policies. Some countries’ policies are clear and stable. These countries seem to really understand what kind of people they want to attract, but some nations may not. Their immigration procedures are opposite of the former. They often change their policies without giving us an explanation and inform us to tell our clients. Because of this, we have to spend a lot of time explaining to our clients.


Using a Noun as an ADJ.

Use two Nouns together, one noun describes the kind of thing the other noun is.

Example:    Wheel.    How do we know what kind of wheel it is.

Wheel of a car, wheel of  a bike.          Less Common and older, but correct way to say it.

Bike wheel, Car wheel.         Bike and Car are Nouns, but when two nouns are together, one will become and ADJ.


Coffee cup, water cup

Table Tennis

Use a Noun as a verb (uncommon) because the meaning can be very unclear.

Cup N.  a drinking container

Cup V. to shape something like a cup. eg:     Cup V.  your hands.

to Change the Noun use it in the order you would use a Verb.

Lex: There’s a cockroach, what should I do?

Tony: I don’t know, put it in that cup, yeah, just cup it.

Lex: You mean hit it with the cup?

Tony: No no, just put it in the cup.

Using two verbs ins  sentence:

you must change one to -ing form

or add TO before the verb.

We spent time looking for him.

I heard he wanted to make a new position at the company.


Want to do

want to eat

want to be eating


Read about verb usage, discuss next class.

Write 5 sample sentences
