F2F Class Notes March 20th (Ben)


身材 body figure

speeding = driving too fast


My daughter is 4 months old, she grow up by high speeding, and I have one big pet dog, belong to Samoyed breed, its name is Zilu.

Every time that it enjoys diong the patrol around my daughter, my daughter always will express the happy emotion

But when it approached to her very closely, I would tear its action down, because of considering the safty.

Sometimes, my wife complains to me about the fact that our daughter steal my eyesight too much to meet her requirement as soon as possible. She call her heart-thief 🙂

I told my wife, our daughter is high-maintenance baby, you should be a little lenient so that I could pay more attention to her for raising her better.

Edited version

My daughter is 4 months old, she is growing up at a high speed and I have one big pet dog who belongs to the Samoyed breed and whose name is Zilu.

Every time that it patrols around my daughter‘s bedroom, she will always express happy emotions.

But when it approaches to her too closely, I stop it, out of safety.

Sometimes, my wife complains to me about the fact that our daughter steals my attention too much to meet her needs as soon as possible. She calls her a little heart-thief 🙂

I told my wife our daughter is a high-maintenance baby and that she should be a little more lenient so that I could pay more attention to her and raise her better.

she grow –> she grows / she grew

she steal –> she steals

从句: should start with that, who, which, where, when, whose, how

散热 cool down

Dogs cool down through their mouth.

I will always love you. (I always will.)

approach to someone –> approach someone

out of = because of 由于 (like “outside” but with a different meaning)

I take care of my daughter out of love (because I love her).

I put the dog out of the house, out of safety for my daughter.

为了 = to + 动词,for + 名词(动名词 when the subject changes)

Tip: try to use to for verbs

I work to get money, I work hard for my daughter’s future.

I went out to buy food (ok)

I went out for buying food (not ok, very strange) –> I went out for food (ok)

Same subject : try to keep “to”

I often go out to be well. (ok)

Subject change: you can use “for”

I often go out for my wife’s well-being. 

I often go out for my dog’s bathroom-going.

I like have parties for my friends’ getting-together.

Last night we found a nice bar for drinking together (ok but “a drink together” is better)

(careful, many “-ing” verbs should be replaced by nouns when possible)

relaxing –> relaxation

improving –> improvement

developing –> development

walking –> walk

running -> run

exercising –> exercise