F2F Class Notes March 10th (Ben)


Jobs 工作

a teacher 老师

a civil servant 公务员

a manager 经理

a boss 老板

a student 学生

an employee 人员

a doctor 医生


a car 一辆车

a bus 公共汽车

a train 火车

a plane 飞机

a boat 一艘船


to be

I am 

You are

He 他/ She 她/ It它 is

We/They are

I am a teacher.


忙 busy  / 空闲 free –> You are busy !

开心happy / 悲伤 sad–> They are very happy !

容易 easy / 难 hard –> English is hard.

快 fast / 慢 slow –> A boat is slow. A train is fast. A plane is very fast.

聪明 smart / 笨 stupid