F2F Class Notes (Maddie)


read another article on breaking new english and write your thought about it

Writing exercise

Before musicians released their albums on vinyl and cassette tape. Now they released albums on the internet.
So nowadays, people almost mostly/most of the time listen to music through/on apps. Everyday I saw see many people who are on the metro and on the road wearing wireless headset.
But according to the article we know younger consumers are now buying cassette tapes for their collectible appeal — as they have done with vinyl.
Music can make our life to get more better and our mind to be happy. So, for , which is why some people can’t live without music.


consume: can be used with something concrete or abstract


stream 在线观看
Everyday I stream movies on my phone.

I need to take a portable computer when I go outside to meet customer.

it’s surprising to know that 令人惊讶的是
It’s surprising to know that my grandmother can buy things by online.

latter 后者
Amy and Jessica both bought a pair of shoes, but I perfer the one that Jessica bought latter ones.
i have both blue and pink nail polish, but i prefer the latter

With the demise of traditional phone, it enters to the age of smart phones.

resurgence 再次兴起

The resurgence of retro clothes has been helped by famous designers.

cater to 迎合 满足
e.g. many products are designed to cater to the needs of small groups of people.

Speaking exercise

I met some friends in Suzhou
I met up with some old friends in Suzhou
(meet: for people you meet for the first time; meet up with: for people you already know)

we can eat green and nature food
we can eat green and nature natural/organic food

my first boyfriend worked in Hangzhou and i worked in shanghai so i took subway to see him.
my first boyfriend was workinged in Hangzhou and i was workinged in shanghai so i took subway high speed train to see him.


multiple: more than one
e.g. Hangzhou is worth visiting multiple times.

progress[U]: improvement
e.g. you’ve made huge progress since we last met.

vast: huge

resemble: look like

theme: topic

complex: a group of similar building on the same site