F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S/R]

Speaking exercise

I think san mao lived legend life. Her life was a legend, her love story, her traveling experience, she travelled without destination. she killed herself because of a lot of reasons. She wasn’t an ordinary woman. She wrote a lot of poetry and novels.

I think San Mao lived a legendary life. 


Firstly, I would like to tell you about the wedding culture and traditions in Iran. In my country, this ceremony differs between cities.

In my hometown the parents sometimes introduce the young people to each other and let them to make a final decision. They start getting to know each other and if there is mutual interest, the man and his family come to the house of the girl for the official proposal.

If everything goes well and the couple falls in love, the groom’s family give the bride a ring and then they get engaged. Usually, there is a small party with friends and family to celebrate the engagement. After that, the couple discusses the wedding date.

My marriage was so memorable because we had just seen each other once before the event. My future husband lived overseas and I had heard about him from my mother who used to tell me that one of her intimate friends had a son who lived in Australia.


mutual- having the same relation each toward the other:

ex: we have mutual interests, we all like watching movies.

managed to= can

ex: i managed to design my house. NOT i can managed to

ex: my mom managed to cook a meal and clean the house.


Iran–     eye- RAN

ceremony- CEre mony

hometown- home TAON

other- Otheeerrrrr (low e sound)

bride- br- eye- d

intimate- in t met

Australia- OS tray liAAA

prepare- pre pare (aye sound)

him- h yim– not Heem/ hyme

managed- MAN AYgd—> gd sound to yourself. not out loud

chicken — chi ken

LISTENING: *i read the passage below, and asked Echo to summarize in her own words, i also asked her questions for comprehension.

Our parents introduced us to each other and I really wanted to know him more, so we started communicating by phone and social messengers for 8 months. Then I decided to marry him and I managed everything for our ceremony by myself. We listed all that was needed. During that time, I was also waiting for my Australian visa that was fortunately granted after 45 days and I went to meet my husband.

A month later I was back in Iran, busy preparing the wedding when I got sick. I had chicken pox and I felt awful. I was so nervous and worried how to get ready for the ceremony. I spent a lot of time recovering from the disease. After one month, I felt better and my husband came back to Iran for our wedding.

Our ceremony was wonderful and everybody enjoyed it. That night was really unforgettable. We took a lot of photos and videos. We had hired a professional band whose music made our party so joyful. The guests gave us gifts and flowers and wished us happiness and fortune.