F2F Class Notes (Lily)


Do you think it’s important for young people to go to galleries or exhibitions?


1.sacrifice (verb)= give up
ex: As a mother, you have sacrifice too much of your own time.

ex: I have a waterproof device to watch movies during the shower.

3.water resistant = 80% waterproof
ex: iPhones are water resistant, you should not use it near water.

4.bossy= like to boss ppl around
ex: She is very bossy, she likes to make people do things for her.

5. ghetto= 乡下一点的 很破的
ex: lots of ghetto restaurants are really good.

6. wet market (noun)= 菜市场
ex: i don’t like the wet market, it’s too ghetto.
ex: Older people like to go to the wet market.

7. lab rat= 白老鼠
ex: I feel like a lab rat, so I don’t want to take the shot.


i have to go there for twice –> i have to go there twice. 

I’m not care about it–> I don’t care about it.

i have never go to Japan –> I have never been to Japan.

I saw the movie
I have seen the movie