F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S]

grandma–> grammar

Speaking exercise

my family have– >In my family, there are six people, my father, my mother, my brother, my sister-in law and my niece. My niece has–>is 6 years old. Now my sister in law have–>is pregnant inside for 8 months, we live together, my brother and my father live together.


how long have you been in Shanghai?

I have been in SH for 5 years

How long did it take you to get here?

i  take subway 10 mins. –>it took me 10 mins to get here. I took the subway for 10 mins. 

how many hours did you sleep last night?

last night, I slept 9 hours. –> i slept FOR 9 hours. 

how long have you waited for me?/ how long have you been waiting?

i waiting for you to 30 mins –> ING ALWAYS WITH AM, IS, WAS,

–> I have waited for 30 mins/ I have been waiting for you for 30 mins

how long did you take you to finish the pizza?

i took the pizza for 10 mins. –> it took me 10 mins.

how long have you been watching tv?

how long did you spend on the nails? it took me one hour.

how long will it last? it will last for one month.


short vowel a,e,i,o,u,

long vowel: a,e,i,o,u

b i g , bike

h o t , rope

mad, made

put, puke

homework: make Q&A with “how long have you been…” and answer accordingly with the correct tense.

*Amy has many grammar mistakes when she speaks, she mixes up the present tense and past tense. she could improve more on dialogues.