F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S/R]

Speaking exercise

we talked about daily life, what she did today.

when i am i grew up –> when I grew up.

I haven’t chance to–> I haven’t had the chance to try roller-skating.

after pregnant–> after my pregnancy

family: I have a brother, he is younger than me BY 4 years. He is outgoing, always takes care of me, because he is a man. Before i married–> before I got married, we lived together. When i  got  married, my brother was sad, he thought when I left the house, he will be lonely, but he is happy.


-read “Our Amazing Skin”

hurt- ur

thrown- own

thin, thick

aren’t= are not


short vowel sound


ex: hug, get, got

long vowel sound a,e,i,o,u


mad, made

put, puke

pete jot, joke

big, bike

*we went over the long vowel sound and the short vowel sound, Cassie still needs practice on this.