F2F Class notes (Lily) [S]

Speaking exercise

Q: should you appreciate struggles?

some experiences cannot make you move out. you can appreciate yourself because you deal with it and move on. we don’t need the struggle to prove ourself. it’s impossible to see they are more people, they can’t come out the struggle, they lose. you don’t need to do a thing you are not good at.


We cannot get out/ walk out from certain experiences/ struggles. We don’t need struggles to prove ourselves. Some successful people come out from their struggles, but it’s rare, most people get held back. You don’t have to do things you are not good at. 

Q: have you ever gave up on something?

when I was in high school, i choose the second language-French, but i gave up quickly when I took two classes, there are many vocabularies. For me, i think it’s difficult to memory, it’s high school, we have a lot of studies, so i gave up quickly. now I think it’s a little waste, because we had resources and we have french teacher, it’s free to learn. why not keep studying. it’s a kind of regret, but if come back that time, i will give up.


When i was in high school, i chose the second language-French. I gave up quickly after taking two classes. For me, I think it’s difficult (to memorize) . Now i think it’s a little wasteful. We had a french teacher. It’s regretful . If time rewinds, i would still give up.  Right now, my priorities have changed, i will consider if it’s worth it. 


move out- the act of physically locating to a different place

rewind- go back in time