F2F Class Notes (Ben) [R]


abbreviate = make a long word short (brief = short)

  • adjective –> adj.
  • as soon as possible –> asap
  • 形容词 –> 形

F2F is the abbreviation of “Face to Face”

initials = first letters of a name
The initials of Caroline Chen are CC.
R is the initial of “Reading”.

lineage = the line of families that you come from in history
In Europe, most middle names are related to lineage.

precede = to go before <> follow
In China, the family name precedes the given name.

precedent = previous
When you apply for a job, always ask why the precedent guy left.
With the development of the internet, young people are communicating  in a way that has no precedent. 前所未有


In several cultures, people’s names usually include one or more names in addition to the portion that is usually considered adequate to identify them. In a number of cultures where a given name is expected to precede the surname, such a name is likely to be placed after the given name and before the surname,[1][2] and thus called a middle name.

In countries that primarily speak English—such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom—the forename of a relative is sometimes used as one’s middle name to honor familial heritage.[3] In many cases in the United States, however, a person’s middle name has little or no lineage-related context, and is used instead to honor close family friends or notable public figures.[3]