F2F Class Notes (JJ)

Writing exercise

4D movie
When the movie ’Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ was released in 2016, I watched it in 4D.
Everyone had to wear a seatbelt, all the seats were on a lifted platform. There were only 15 seats per showing room. As the movie characters were flying and running, our seats were moving up and down. That was so exciting.


Excited vs. exciting

Excited: to describe how a person feels

Ex: I was very excited to go to Japan last year.

Exciting: to describe how an event/incident feels

Ex: The last trip I took to Japan was very exciting.

Tired vs. tiring

Tired: to describe how a person feels

Ex: I am so tired after that meeting.

Tiring: to describe an event or an incident

Ex: It was a very tiring meeting.

Speaking exercise

I was on my annual leaving —> I was on my annual leave

you take the ship to see the flowers —> you take the boat to see the flowers


canola flower: 油菜花

ship: 大船

ferry: 渡轮

boat: 小船

high-rise buildings: 高楼大厦

low-rise buildings: 小高层

condominium (condo): 豪华公寓(high-rise)

time difference: 时差

home school: 在家上学的

tone depth: 音盲