F2F Class Notes (JJ)


pun: 梗(文字上的)

hype something up: 把某个东西的热度炒起来

French manicure: 法式美甲

manicure: 美甲(手)

pedicure: 美甲(脚)

celebrity crush

Asian hate crime

Emily Blunt

Substance: 内容, 有内涵的

Ex: Emily Blunt is a celebrity with substance.

child predators:恋童癖,专门“追捕”儿童的变态

He can rot in jail.

nasty: 很恶心

under the table: 大家都知道但是不能明讲的

thrill: 刺激

to root for someone: 支持某人

Speaking exercise

hit single: 主打歌