2xF2F Class Notes (Tibo)


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Bill Hwang-Archegos

+ review the document about how to lead a business meeting

Next Class Focus

business meeting practice / roleplay

Speaking exercise

we have seen the firework and the light show in the evening

we buy the half day ticket and we entered at 3pm.

at that moment there are not a lot of people and popular items we only queue for 10 mins.
this one is quite impressive because it is 5D. you can smell it seems you are moving.

I think the is the most valuable item for adults to experience.

I think it was the most exciting one.

she knows Harry Potter and transformers and next year I can bring her to BJ.

we have to looking for scenarios in mainland.

The people that are infected were working in the airport and the cleaned the container not that carefully.

have you vaccinated -> did you get the vaccine?

The government has issued certain policies for education but they are quite encourage the industry like internet investment.
IMO they want to push these industries to grow very fast.
So they will give these industries green light policies to boost these industries.

Maybe the stock share price will be surging.
A lot of internal information we don’t know.

American forces have to leave Afghanistan unexpectedly

The most safest country is China.

there was a general and he said why they like to send troops because they want to boycott against China.
I read that in social medias.I think this is ridiculous.

Recently they fly into our airspace and they fly to south east China sea to do some missions.
Maybe they have another military deployment.

China in the future stage the principle is the win win result so the Chinese government they are really willing to cooperate with other countries to collectively develop.
We have experienced  years internal war  / civil war 

so they know the war is not the way to dealing/ to cooperate with other countries
Collectively development is the way to develop together.
And Chinese people are very kindness and willing to meet people around the world.

we just show the world we have the power to defend ourselves

everything we guess what to propose so I will say I will stress my power and then we can communicate to see what is wrong.

war is to consume myself and themselves.

we saw the firework and the light show in the evening.

we bought half day tickets and we entered at 3pm.

at that moment there were not a lot of people / it was not crowded and we only queued for 10 mins for popular attractions / rides.
this one was quite impressive because it is 5D. you can smell, you can feel the movement …it seems you are moving.

I think this attraction was is the most valuable one for adults to experience. / that was the one I enjoyed the most.

I think it was the most exciting one.

she knows Harry Potter and transformers and next year I plan to bring her to BJ.

we have to look for sceneries in mainland.

The people that got infected were working in the airport and were cleaning the container not that carefully. / were not careful when they cleaned the container.

 did you get the vaccine? / did you receive the vaccine? / are you vaccinated ?

The government has issued certain policies for education but they are quite encouraging for / they encourage the industry like internet investment.
IMO they want to push these industries to grow very fast. / they want those industries to develop.
So they will give these industries green light policies to boost their growth  / they will be more lenient on these industries

Maybe the stock share price will be surging. / will surge.
A lot of internal information we don’t know. / there might be some insider’s information we are not aware of

American forces have to leave Afghanistan unexpectedly

The safest country is China.

there was a general and he said why do they like to send troops because they want to boycott against China. /
I read that in social medias.I think this is ridiculous.

Recently they flew into our airspace and they flew to south east China sea to do some missions.
Maybe they have another military deployment.

I believe in the future the principle guiding China will be to get a win win result so the Chinese government is really willing to cooperate with other countries to collectively develop.
We have experienced  years of internal war  / civil war 

so they know the war is not the way of dealing/ to cooperate with other countries  / they know war has to be avoided.
Collectively developing / collective development is the way to develop together. to thrive together
And Chinese people are very kind and willing to meet people around the world.

we just show the world we have the power to defend ourselves

war is damaging  for both parties


adrenaline(n)  肾上腺素
I felt the adrenaline during the roller coaster ride

civil war (n) 内战
The civil war lasted 5 years.

national airspace (n) : airspace that belongs to one country
They flew into our national airspace

to violate (v) 侵犯/违犯
They violated our national airspace when they flew a plane without asking for permission
Tom violated the terms of the contract and revealed secret information to our competitor

lenient (adj) 仁慈的 / 宽大的 / opposite of strict
My boss is usually very strict but he is quite lenient with Tom because Tom is our n1 salesman.backpacker (n) : people who travel on the cheap
When I was young

backpacker (n) 背包客
I was a backpacker.

to backpack (v)
I want to backpack around the world.

dissuasion (n) 劝阻
The nuclear bomb is usually used for dissuasion

to dissuade (v)
we dissuaded him from quitting his job because it was hard to find a new one during the pandemic…

roller coaster (n) 过山车🎢
The mini roller coaster was very exciting