F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


dances with wolves

kind for them – he is kind to them 

I am good to my students (the way I treat them is good)
I am good for my students (the effect is good but maybe the treatment isn’t good)

variety (n)
various (adj)

waterproof – fang shui
eg. The watch is waterproof

The movie came out / The movie is out now

Metaphor – “symbolism”
eg. To be driven is a metaphor that comes from driving a car

I like a variety of types of coffee
There are various types of coffee in the world

Writing exercise

If u have a headache it’s so terribleHaving a headache is terrible 

Raph suffered from migraineRaph suffered from a migraine 

When you face difficulty you should be assertive – when you face difficulties you should be assertive

those were turbulent years

….when i was see them for the first time. – when i saw them for the first time.

I want to see a movie that describes the interaction between humans and wolves

it’s hard for me resisting coffeeit’s hard for me to resist drinking coffee

some vegetables are variantthere are various types of vegetables

parents should not always spoon feed kids because it’s not good for them while they grow up

if you split it, it is divided into 2 or more parts

her character is driven by her family