F2F Class Notes (Ben) [S]

Needs more review

The car engine connection the gas –> The car engine is connected to gas.

The table component has wood –> The table is made of wood

The temperature has increased since yesterday.


cosmetics = make-up and skin products
Many cosmetics come from China and Korea.

take care of something
He really likes to take care of his skin


He very like he body clean –> He really likes his body to be clean

There has –> There is / There are

He like –> He likes

to there –> there

Speaking exercise

Today I will go to Jiaotong University.

I go to there for English because I want study more English, so I want to see the place is good or bad.

I appointment the demo English class.

Today I will go to Jiaotong University.

I will go there for English classes because I want to study more English, so I want to see if/whether the place is good or bad.

I will take demo English class.