F2F Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the words from today in some writing and read the grammar from today 10 times each!


made the i like the dress made the dress i like / made the dress that I like 

stingy / cheap – xiao qi

nail – people

claw – animals  

if you live 1st floor – if you live on the 1st floor 

de-sexed / neutered 
eg. my cat is de-sexed

occur / happen
eg. rainbows occur after it rains


Did you have lunch yet?
No, not yet.
Neither did I.

Have you had breakfast?
Yep I have.
So have I.

Did you have breakfast before 12 today?
Yes I did.
So did I.

Are you hot?
Yes I am.
So am I.

Are you cold?
No I’m not.
Neither am I.

Have you been to Australia?
Yes I have
So have I

Have you been to Japan?
No I haven’t
Neither have I