F2F Class Notes (Ben) ***


a web developer = someone who writes code and websites

dyslexia = a reading disability which does not affect intelligence

at the expense of
Learning many languages isn’t bad, as long as it’s not at the expense of other things.

a superior = someone that you report to

Who do you report to?


I don’t want my candidate can understand my question very easy –>
I don’t want my candidates to understand my questions too easily

I want you to do
I want you to go out
He wants me to work hard

Why you leave your recent company ? –>
Why did you leave your previous/last company ?
Why do you want to leave your current company ?

What’s the point you think most when you change your job?

What’s your strengths and weakness?

Why do you think you suitable for this job ?

Can you share your working details with me?

Questions for the interviewer

Imagine that you hire me. What are some achievements that you would like me to have in 3 months, 6 months and 12 months?

Why did the previous person leave? How long had they been working there?

I see you are trying to develop new products / markets. What are some challenges that you are facing? How could I help you with them?

What do you expect from the perfect candidate?

What is the career path 1, 2, 3, 5 years down the line? How fast can I get a promotion if I do a good job?

How many candidates are you going to see for this position? How long has the position been open? How come you have seen so many candidates and not chosen one yet?


can – di – date

Kennedy = an American President who was killed in 1963.