F2F Class Notes (Jacob)

Next Class Focus

Bring something to read!


Water Well – a deep hole in the earth where we can get water

Compare – to rate/rank two things against each other

Rating – To give your opinion about how something was and give it a value
eg. The movie was good, so I gave it a good rating

Score – a number to track how thing is
eg. The score for the movie was 7.4/10.
eg. He kicked the ball in the net and scored a point
eg. Image result for basketball score

Ranking – a list that shows position of different things
eg. Largest countries
1. Russia
2. Canada
3. China

Sashimi – Japanese raw fish Image result for sashimi

Expect – to think or wait for something that you think will happen
eg. I expect tomorrow is sunny

Reveal – to show something
eg. I revealed that  it wasn’t my phone in my hand

blossom – when a plan begins to open up and reveal its colors (flower opening) Image result for suzhou blossoms
eg. In the spring, the trees blossom and its a beautiful view

Vegetarian – someone/something that doesn’t eat/have meat
eg. I love meat so I could never be a vegetarian.

Ice/Iced/chilled – Made cold/cold drink

Fantastic – really good/Awesome!

Deal – two people/companies agreeing to something
eg. It took a long time to agree on a deal


Something left/available/remaining
eg. I was late for today’s class, so there was no seats left.

