F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Bi-monthly – twice a month 
Bi-annually –
twice a year
Annually – one per year
Quarterly – something done every 3 months
eg. I have a quarterly performance review at work

Trilogy – a set a of 3 books or movies
eg. Do you want to watch the lord of the rings trilogy (all 3 of them)

Bi – something  with 2 (bicycle = two wheels)
something  with 3 (tricycle = three wheels)
Quad – 
something  with 3 (quad bike = 4 wheels)

(add gon to make it a shape)
Penta(gon) – 
something  with 5 
Hecta(gon) – a shape with 6 sides
Septa(gon) – connected to 7 of something
Octa(gon) – connected to 8 of something

Proportion – the size of a few things compared with each other (suitable size match)
Proportionate – all items are a suitable size for each other
Disproportionate – the items are not a suitable size to match with each other

refrigerator = fridge (short name that is more commonly used)

Mortgage – a big loan specifically for housing


6:15 = quarter past six
6:30 = Half past six, half six (British method)
6:45 = quarter to seven
6:40 = twenty to seven


Refrigerator [re-frid-ja-er-ray-tor]

Registered [reag-is-tray-tid]