F2F Class Notes (HowHow / JeJe) [S]


moth – like a butterfly but it loves the light

squirrel – song shu

bull – male cow

straw – dao cao

nest – bird’s home

calf – baby cow

owl – mao tou yin

kitten – baby cat

cub – baby lion

crocodile (bigger) / alligator (smaller)

sled / sledge – xue qiao

pyramid – jing zi ta

harbor – the place boats can come in

iceberg – xue shan

Speaking exercise

Last year i play with my cousins and we play minecraft. Next we ate dinner then we watched tv. After that, we bought some presents. When we went my home we opened the presents and played. My present is a lego truck and i forgot my cousins presents. I played lego truck with my cousins. When we finished that we ate a big Christmas cake. Finally everyone went to home. Bai bai.

Last year i played with my cousins and we played minecraft. Next we ate dinner then we watched tv. After that, we bought some presents. When we went / got home we opened the presents and played. My present was a lego truck but i forgot what my cousins presents were. I played with my lego truck with my cousins. When we finished that we ate a big Christmas cake. Finally everyone went home. Bai bai.