F2F Class Notes (Ben)


Tell me one of your secrets


I have a long time didn’t go to my yoga class
I haven’t gone to my yoga classes for a long time.
I didn’t go …..

It’s tired than I thought


It was more tiring than I thought.

You are asking for a pretty high salary. What makes you think that you are worth so much?

Several months to change for one time
You can use it for several months
You have to change it every couple of months

Cultural gap : “you can” doesn’t imply a request. It just means “if you want”.
= you choose to do it or not = you have the choice

“You can come earlier tomorrow” –> you said nothing. Your employee just knows he has the choice.
“Can you come earlier tomorrow?” –> Your employee will answer yes or no and try to come earlier.


Does it suck to be a loser?
Did you have a crush on your Spanish teacher?
Did you ever get intimate with a stuffed animal?
Did you every cheat on your girlfriend?
Did you ever lie to a priest during a confession?
Do you secretly enjoy boy bands?
Do you wax your back?