F2F Class Notes (George)


Prepare a topic and give a short (2-5 min) presentation on it.


Opponent –  People who are against you.

e.g. The fighter defeated his opponent.

Ally/Allies – People who are your friends.

e.g. China and Russia are allies, they help each other.

Culture- Traditions and practices of certain groups of people.

e.g. Beijing Opera is a famous bit of Chinese culture.

Barely- Almost nothing.

e.g. I barely drank anything today.

Hardly- Almost nothing

e.g. I hardly ate anything today.


I hardly finished so much work before the deadline


I hardly managed to finish so much work before the deadline. I just had too much to do!

I hardly drank any beer but I still feel drunk


I drank so much beer but I hardly feel drunk


The community in England has been divided because of the poor English


because of their poor English.

I live in United Kingdom/United States/People’s Republic of China


I live in THE United Kingdom

these no English speaking people


these people who don’t speak English.

people who don’t speak English can be at risk of discrimination.

She said, everyone at school or at work should speak the same language.

But opponents says that the UK is a multicultural country, and the government shouldn’t force people to learn English if they don’t want to.