F2F Class Notes February 9th (Ben)


tact = the skill of behaving in a way that doesn’t upset other people

Americans are more informal and casual, whereas Europeans are more tactful.

a cruise = a nice trip on the sea

a long-distance relationship

inaugurate = open, start

–> inauguration

one-of-a-kind = very different

LGBTQ = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, questioning/queer

heterosexual = loving someone the opposite sex

homosexual = loving someone the same sex

a pair = 2

parity = equality in a pair = equality of 2 groups (usually men and women)

equality = fair

Parity states that women and men should be equal. Both sexes should have a fair treatment.

Image result for equality vs equity


Do you think marches and protests can make a difference in this world?