F2F Class Notes February 17th (Ben)


(un)pleasantly surprised 惊喜

give your word = promise

keep your word = respect your promise

“No offense” = I didn’t want to offend you

“None taken”

a revolt 反抗

to say the least = “it’s actually worse”

Trump is a bit special, to say the least.

criteria 判据

consistent = always behaving the same way

First they buy a strong guy, then they bu ya short guy. It seems the criteria’s a bit inconsistent, to say the least.

It seems, at a certain point, like, do they even know what they’re looking for?

It seems like the whole criteria seems a little bit inconsistent.

I will not have my reputation tainted selling superficial, bigoted slaves.

superficial = who only sees what’s obvious

bigoted = closedminded, shallow, prejudiced 偏执的


It would have taken 2 hours to get a seat if we had eaten there.

We could have eaten anything.