F2F Class Notes February 14th (Ben)


Valentine’s Day

a martyr 烈士 = someone who suffers or is killed because of his religion

mis = bad, wrongly

misunderstand = understand the wrong way

mistake = do something the wrong way

misbehave = behave the wrong way

mislead = lead the wrong way

Trump’s adviser has misled officials. (=he lead them the wrong way = he lied)

an allegation = 指控 a claim that someone has done something wrong (often without proof)

(often used with the word “groundless”)

These allegations are completely groundless; you have no proof !

a sanction = a punishment

The US wants to sanction Russia over its influence on the American election.

a diplomat 外交官 = someone who works in diplomacy 外交

vulnerable = easy to be hurt

It’s possible that this diplomat was vulnerable to blackmail.

Vulnerable people = old people, sick people and children

interim = temporary 暂时,临时,过渡

then = at this time (in the past)

10 years ago I went to Suzhou with my then-girlfriend.

subsequently = after that, 其后

I told my boss he kept misleading us and I subsequently got fired.

US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has resigned over allegations he discussed US sanctions with Russia before Donald Trump took office.

Mr Flynn is said to have misled officials about his call with Russia’s ambassador before his own appointment.

It is illegal for private citizens to conduct US diplomacy.

US reports earlier said the White House had been warned about the contacts last month and was told Mr Flynn may be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

The national security adviser is appointed by the president to serve as his or her chief adviser on international affairs and defence.

What did Mr Flynn say about the phone call?

In his letter of resignation (PDF), Mr Flynn said he had “inadvertently briefed the vice-president-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador” late last year.

A White House statement said Lt Gen Joseph Keith Kellogg had been appointed as interim replacement for the post.

Mr Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, initially denied having discussed sanctions with Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, and Vice-President Mike Pence publicly denied the allegations on his behalf.

But he came under further pressure on Monday when details of his phone call emerged in US media, as well as reports the justice department had warned the White House about him misleading senior officials and being vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

According to the Washington Post, the message was delivered by then-acting attorney general Sally Yates, who was subsequently dismissed by President Trump for opposing his controversial travel ban.