F2F Class Notes February 12th (Ben)


collapse 昏倒,晕倒

CPR 心肺复苏术 (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation)

I saw the old man had collapsed.

The young man took the old man’s pulse and realized his heart had stopped beating.

So he started to perform CPR on him, by pressing his chest and performing mouth-to-mouth breathing on him.

insist on doing

He insisted on going home alone

heart attack 心脏病发作

Next time you see someone collapse, only perform CPR and mouth-to-mouth breathing if you are sure they aren’t breathing. Otherwise, just put them in lateral position and call emergency services 侧卧姿势

first aid = the medical assistance you provide to someone while waiting for the ambulance

bystander 旁观者

Many bystanders just looked and did nothing.

上映 show / be shown

The movie Avatar isn’t being shown anymore.