F2F Class Notes 12th February (Tony)


Outfit – all of the clothes you are wearing right now

eg: “I’m wearing a strawberry and chocolate outfit today.”

Q: Who has the prettiest mother in the world?

A: I have the prettiest mother in the world.

Q: Who is the queen of China?

A: My mother is the queen of China.

Q: What color is your tiara?

A: My tiara is gold, silver, purple, blue, green and pink.

Q: Do you have a rainbow tiara?

A: Yes I do have a rainbow tiara.

Q: What fruit does your mother like?

A: My mother likes strawberries.

Q: What time did you wake up today?

A: I woke up at 7 o’clock.

Q: What outfit is your mom wearing?

A: My mother is wearing a white sweater with a black flowery t-shirt.

Q: What outfit is your father wearing?

A: My father is wearing gray pants, a gray t-shirt and black socks.

Q: What did your father help you find?

A: My father helps me to find the snake-board.

Q:Do you drink coffee with you father?

A: I drink coffee with my father, mother and yaoyao.

Q: What is on your snake-board?

A: There’s a picture of a princess.