F2F Class Notes December 1st (Ben)


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I was browsing Wechat when this video appeared.

a symphony 交响乐

an association 协会

I’m the grant writer for the Allentown Symphony Association.

I have a cat named “Tiger”

I love finger painting

play safe = to avoid taking a risk

The must might leave early, so let’s play (it) safe and leave now.

Admittedly, that last one was kind of playing it safe, because – let’s be honest-, who doesn’t love finger painting?

pick = choose

We are going to play a game. Everyone, pick a partner !

I do the martial art “Aikido”

weird = strange

I admit it, I was a very weird boy.


It’s not that A , it’s that B = 不是A而是B

It’s not that I don’t want, it’s just that I can’t help you.