F2F Class Notes 1st December (Tony)

I will find a client and suggest a product for them. 

I was a mechanic for an airline.

I always have to work the night shift, so I think it is harmful to my health.

construct a building

infrastructure – basic structures for a city or town, such as roads, bridges, water pipes, power lines(electricity), schools, hospitals etc. eg: “A country can not do well if they have crumbling infrastructure.”

crumbling – falling apart into many small pieces eg: “After the flood the building was crumbling.”

flooded (v) – to put too much of something in a place at one time. eg: “He flooded my inbox with emails, because he didn’t get a quick reply.”

Original –

Winter has come for two weeks and air pollution has followed cold air to shanghai as well. I don’t like winter because I always got bad cold and fever when I was a child and now I have another reason which is air pollution in winter. It is bad for your body. When you stay in the surrounding for a long time, you will get pain of throat and cough in few weeks. If you always do that, you maybe get cancer because these bad air include a lot of harmful ingredient. It will increase the chance to get cancer.


Winter came two weeks ago and air pollution followed the cold air straight to shanghai as well. I don’t like winter because when I was a child I always got a bad cold and fever, and now another reason I don’t like winter is air pollution. Which is worse in winter and is very bad for you. When you stay in this environment for a long time, you will get a sore throat and cough in a few weeks. If you spend a long time there, maybe you will get cancer because the smog includes a lot of harmful substances. It will increase the chances of getting cancer.