F2F Class Notes December 16th (Ben)


well-knit = 紧凑的 , when everything is at its good place

The plot of this movie is very well-knit.

limp = walk with an injured leg, 瘸着走

  • Why are you limping?
  • I hurt my leg.

re-enact = repeat the actions of a past event 重演

The police re-enacted the murder to understand what happened better.

prejudice (noun, verb) 偏见 = judge something or someone before knowing them (pre = before, jud = judge)

Many jury members were prejudiced against the defendant because of his poor background.

One woman claimed she saw the whole murder take place.

I saw a murder take/taking place = There was a man killing another one.

I saw a murder took place = There was a dead body on the ground (he had been killed before I saw him)

破绽 a hole (in a story)

The old man was able to see the holes in the witnesses’ testimony (证词)

The murderer is always the character you think (the) least about.