F2F Class Notes (Dan) [S/W]

Needs more review


 go hand in hand

that is not beneficial

we have a beneficial plan

There is no such thing as bad publicity – any public information about you can be useful

like a dog with a bone – the dog won’t let go of the bone


Call for – To get attention from a person, vocal yelling
e.g The injured man called for help
e.g. I saw my friend in the park however they didn’t hear my call for them.

Adjust to or Adjusted to (verb) – making change for a purpose.
e.g I had to adjust our prospective profits after the market changed.

Disclose, Disclosure, Non-disclosure & Full- disclosure – To release information. 

Manslaughter – Man slaughter. A legal term for taking another human life, after doing an action that could easily cause death but your purpose was not to cause death.