F2F Class Notes (Cricket)


It is clear thatThe statistics show that…

The statistics/data show April and May having a good improvement compared to quarter one.

For most of the customers they have good performance. Most of the customers had good service/customer service. Customer service.

Only two companies did not reach their targets for customer service.

The stats. for one company will remain low level in the future because of a management turnover.

A non- qualified person is filling the role/position temporarily.

The drop in the Metro service was caused by the lack of available products that were shown to be available. This was caused by another management turnover externally and internally.

Our projected customer service goal is to have the levels go up by the end of June.

Carrefour had the biggest disparity/gap between all the companies.

Frm February on Carrefour had a rising trend.

There was a sharp drop last October/November because  their distribution model changed. In the process there were discrepancies between packaging, pricing, ect.

Recently, we have had a sharp improvement of the management data because we resolved the issues.

I have highlighted the three biggest customers.

I think they are satisfied with our collaboration and service.


statistic- stuh-tis-stik