F2F Class Notes (Cricket)


Read the article below.


viticulture– study of wine and production

vineyard-place where grapes are grown


I can finish to read. I can finish reading.

When you did everything they will tell you the results. When you finish doing everything they will tell you the results.


vineyard- vin-yerd


Storm, a golden retriever, spotted a drowning fawn and ran to its rescue during one morning walk in Long Island, New York. The dog jumped into the sea, dragged the fawn to safety and then nuzzled and pawed at the fawn to try and bring it back to life.

The dog’s owner, who is a lawyer, filmed the whole incident on his phone. The fawn went to an animal rescue centre and is making a recovery.

Difficult words: spot (see), fawn (a young deer), nuzzle (rub or push gently with the nose and mouth), paw (touch with a paw – one of the dog’s feet).