F2F Class Notes (Cricket)


millenial–  name of the generation of children born after around 1985

Said to be the traits of this generation

We have a burning desire to create.

We are constantly searching for our passion.

We speak up for what we believe in.

We encourage and embrace the use of technology.

We want to change the world for the better.

We greatly value different perspectives.


a phrased that has been coined-

brag– show off, boast

eg. It is rude to brag.

eg. The man was bragging about how much money he had.

pain in the ass– something or someone that is being difficult

eg. That student is a pain in the ass for the teacher.

eg. My air conditioner keeps turning off it’s a real pain in the ass.

get you hopes up– get excited about something

eg. Don’t get your hopes up about being asked to prom(dance).


A typhoon is headed our way. (in our direction)