F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [R]***


Write a short story about where and when you met your husband and try to use: where, which, they, always, never, actually, normally, and usually.

Needs more review

I often go out to various/new restaurants with my husband where we can try different dishes.
My favourite restaurant is named Azul Tapas & Lounge.
I love that place because you can see a view of a cityscape from the rooftop.
I like to eat Japanese cuisine at a restaurant which is named Qianliang.
Sometimes we go to Lee Garden where they serve Cantonese cuisine.
Sometimes we try different cuisines like Thai food.
Every morning I always go to Sunflour where I can buy a fresh croissant.
Tomorrow I will have lunch at Miss Ali with my husband where we can enjoy Xinjiang cuisine.

various ( v air – ee – iss )

cityscape ( sit – ee – scei – p )

cuisine ( kwi – zeen )

afternoon ( af – ter – noo n )

baker ( bei – ker )

spice ***long I sound

le – Celeste, less, lesson, let, learn, latest

lounge ( lao n j )

japanese ( ja – pa – nese )

try ( ch rai )

I like to go to Jingan Kerry Center where they have a variety of restaurants and shops.
Everyday I always buy fresh sushi in a market which is named Citysuper.
In Italy I always go shopping at The Mall where I can pay factory prices.
My favourite shop is Colette on Faubourg Street in Paris which is the best fashion buyer store in the world.
During Fashion Week I often go shopping in Milan with my friends where we can buy the latest styles.
Actually I like window shopping which normally/usually I never buy anything.

sushi ( soo – she )

favorite ( fei – ver – it )

latest ( lei – tist )

styles ( stai – yull z )

actually ( ak ch- wull lee )

anything ( N – E thing )

or – door, core, morning, born, normal, normally