F2F Class Notes (Catherine / Jesse)


Write a diary about something that happened this week and think about past tense.


acupuncture – chinese medicine using needles
eg. I got acupuncture today at the clinic

keep my head up
eg. the doctor told me to keep my head up and not look at my phone all the time

what about your husband? – ni de lao gong ne?


they told me say i can’t do thingsthey told me that I can’t do some things 

Speaking exercise

Today I went to massage shop,  they help me fix my problem. they do acupuncture for my shoulder and they give me some Chinese medicine and make it hot and have smoking and use the smoking to make my shoulder feel better. when finished i just come back hotel and my husband take a day off today so we decide to go to supermarket, so when we go to supermarket go shopping we buy some meat some bread and some snacks for children. Finish shopping then we come home.

Today I went to a massage shop,  they helped me fix my problem. They did acupuncture for my shoulder and they gave me some Chinese medicine and made it hot and smoke came out and use the smoke to make my shoulder feel better. When I finished i just came back to the hotel and my husband took a day off today so we decided to go to the supermarket. So when we went to the supermarket went shopping we buy some meat, some bread and some snacks for my children. When we finished shopping, we came back to the hotel.