F2F Class Notes (Ben)


an assessment 考核 = when your teachers or boss check (=assess) how good you work

Many big companies run employee assessments every 6 months.

tell / told / told

He told me a funny story yesterday.


they were died –> they died

My grandpa died last year.

drink / drank / drunk

I drank a lot last night. I was really drunk.

drink = everyday : I often drink alcohol. I never drink baijiu. I seldom drink with my friends.

drank = time is clear (and finished): this morning, last night, yesterday, 2 weeks ago, when I was a child, when I lived in Chongqing, in 2012, in March, on June 1st

have drunk = time is unclear (or not finished): already, never, until now, so far

He is attracted to her. = She attracts him

She attract with him –> She attracts him.

Writing exercise

1. AIH patients often use immuno-suppressant to treat.
2. Chemotherapy is a treatment for disease.
3. The drug can kill precancerous cells.
4. The hospital create a new technology of minimally invasive operation which leads in surgical field.
5. His son didn’t sleep unless he telled a fairy tale.
6. The bottle of water is toxic, many people drunk were died.
7. The company feared exposure of its faults.
8. She is very beautiful, he is attract to her.

1. AIH patients often use immuno-suppressants to treat their disease.
2. Chemotherapy is a treatment for many diseases.
3. The drug can kill precancerous cells.
4. The hospital has created a new technology of minimally invasive operations, which is leading the surgical field.
5. His son can’t sleep unless he tells him a fairy tale.
6. The bottle of water is toxic. Many people who drank it died.
7. The company feared exposure of its faults.
8. She is very beautiful. He is attracted to her.