F2F Class Notes (Ben) [W]


My muscles are sore.



My lower back still hurts.

Speaking exercise


In June 22(twenty-tooth), my boyfriend will go to France alone first. I will go to France around on June 23rd. We will go there separately because Michel’s friend do a single party, so he need to join the party. They will go to Portugal for 2 days. Michel’s friend will pick me up to her home for 2 days.

When Michel finished the party back to Paris, we will get together to visit Paris. His friend’s wedding for 2 days. We will take part in the wedding for 2 days.

We have plan stay in France for one month. I don’t know specific of the plan.

After wedding we’ll drive a car around France.

Edited version

On June 22nd (twenty-second), my boyfriend will go to France alone first. I will go to France on June 23rd. We will go there separately because Michel’s friend has a singles’ party, so he needs to join the party. They will go to Portugal for 2 days. Michel’s friend will pick me up and take me to his home for 2 days.

When Michel finishes the party, he will go back to Paris and we will get together to visit Paris. His friend’s wedding will take 2 days. We will take part in the wedding for 2 days.

We plan to stay in France for one month. We don’t have a specific plan.

After the wedding we’ll drive a car around France.

  • 每个句子都有一个主语和一个动词
  • 日子: ON
  • 第三人称 : +s
  • when, if + 现在时