F2F Class Notes (Ben)


at 7 o’clock sharp = at 7.00 pm, not 7.01 or 7.02.

elastic 有弹性的, 橡皮圈

interior design 室内设计

engrave 铭记

You will always be engraved in my memory.

pinpoint = say when or where something happened

The police can’t pinpoint when the fire started but they have pinpointed the criminal’s location to a small city.

I understand that job makes him angry but I can’t pinpoint if it’s because of the boss, the schedule or the pay.

a plea = a desperate request for help

When you say “pleaaase”, you make a plea.

I plead you not to fire me, I really need this job. Please hear my plea.

expand on a topic = speak more deeply about a certain topic

  • My hobbies are swimming, running and reading
  • Could you expand on reading, please?
  • I read 2 books a month and I usually read foreign authors like Steinbeck or Conrad.

a paradox 悖论