F2F Class Notes (Aurimar)

Today we focused on:

Learning New Words


O.T.: n. Time beyond an established limit. It means working hours in addition to those of a regular schedule
E.g., We have to work overtime again.

O.D.: verb. dose too heavily.
E.g., The man OD’d a year ago.

Sarcasm: n. It’s mocking language.
E.g., She gave him a sarcastic smile.

Fun fact: Fun pieces of information.
E.g., There are a few fun facts you should know about cats.

That ship has sailed: It’s now too late to do something; an opportunity has been lost.
E.g., I was thinking about going to the museum but that ship has sailed. It’s sold out.

Merlin: Merlin is a wizard. He is related to the King Arthur legend.

Next Class Focus

Use these new words in a sentence or daily life settings.