F2F Class Notes April 27th (Ben)


a dice roll = a crap shoot = an action with uncertain outcomes

Some people have dropped out of school when they were 19 so they could launch their own company. Some of them have succeeded, others have failed. If you want to do it, remember it’s a crap shoot.

an outcome = a result, a consequence (what comes out of a situation)

We are still waiting for the outcome of the trial. 审判

I launched my company and it came out pretty well.

a civil court = for common cases

a small claims court = a civil court where people fight over amounts under $5,000

a criminal court = for criminal cases

  1. first instance court = 一审
  2. appellate court = a court where you can appeal 上诉 of a previous judgement
  3. cassation court 法案法院
  4. the Supreme Court

a judge 法官

a lawyer, an attorney 律师

a jury 陪审团 (jury duty)

a witness 见证人