F2F Class Notes April 26th (Ben)

I’m back to my daily routine

a Babel Tower = a place where everyone speaks a different language

Argentinian = from Argentina

hang / hung – hanged / hung – hanged

hang around = go somewhere often, traîner

I started hanging around Latino bars when I was 16.

explained me –> explained to me

moisture = humidité

moisturizer = crème hydratante

mold = mushroom, fungus, moisissure

If you live in a moist area, you must keep your windows open or you will get mold on your walls.

mould = un moule (to make cakes)

OTC = over-the-counter, with no prescription

Most over-the-counter medicine just treat the symptoms and not the problem.

I just need some aspirin, any OTC drug is fine.

First-aid kit = kit de premiers secours

beggar = mendiant

tramp, homeless person = clochard

My girlfriend begged me not to leave her.

provide = fournir

an Internet provider

provide something (to someone) = provide someone with something

Let’s have a picnic on Sunday ! I’ll provide the drinks.

My mom provided me with a loving house.

dizzy = when you feel everything is moving around you and you can’t walk

On Sunday, I drank a lot and felt dizzy.