F2F Class Notes April 15th (Ben)



I saw many exhibits at the exhibition.

Huang Meng, a veteran reporter for a Chinese news outlet 报社, still vividly 历历在目 remembers his first trip to America in the mid-1990s (=1993-1997). When he entered the National Museum of American History, he saw there were free introductory pamphlets for visitors. But none of the handouts was in Chinese,and as a result 结果, he was lost in the huge maze of exhibits as he spoke little English.
Last year, Huang visited America again. This time, he found there were not only pamphlets in Chinese but also the museum had a Chinese web page. Moreover, some shop assistants 店员 and restaurant waiters spoke Mandarin 普通话,while many hotels provided Chinese TV channels. 频道
Huang’s experience is not unique 唯一 among the fast growing numbers of Chinese travelers. 黄的经历在快速发展的中国游客人数里不是唯一的。

As their numbers grow, they are influencing 影响 tourism as the destination countries 目的地国家 adapt their facilities 设施 to the booming influx 涌入 of Chinese tourists.
For instance, Thailand is a popular destination for Chinese tourists, and the Tourism Authority of Thailand says China will become the biggest source 来源 of foreign tourists in Thailand in two to three years.

The surge 激增 of Chinese tourists in recent years has reshaped Thai tourism considerably. 非常地

Thai tour companies now organize specific package tours to meet the demands of Chinese tourists.

Thailand is not the only country that is adapting to the arrival of large numbers of Chinese visitors. In Europe, France is one of the favorite destinations for Chinese tourists. “In 2010, the official figure for Chinese tourists in France reached 550,000,” said Paul Roll, Managing Director of the Paris Office of Tourism. “We feel by 2020, when there are 100 million Chinese visitors globally, 1 or 2 million will come to Paris. So this obviously means that we need to get prepared.” 准备
America is another important destination for Chinese tourists. In 2008, seeing the big increase in visitors from China, America began to launch Christmas tours 圣诞节旅游套餐 for Chinese citizens. As a result, the annual number of Chinese tourists to this country passed the 1 million mark at the end of 2008, the National Tourism Administration of China said. And the 2-million mark is likely to be reached in 2015.
Obviously, Chinese foreign tourism has promoted 促进 lucrative business for travel agencies both at home and abroad 在外国

the official figure 官方统计

a source = an origin 来源

Japan has many sources of hot water. 温泉

Unhealthy food is the source of many problems.

China is the source of many tourists all around the world.

reshape = change the shape of 形状

a tour 旅游

You can go to Thailand with a tour company. 旅行社

满足需求 meet the demand

总经理 Managing Director

全球的, 综合的 global

Pollution is a global problem. Everyone is concerned.

In 2020, there will be 100 million Chinese visitors globally. 2020年将会有一亿中国全球旅游者

administration 行政 = authority = office 官方机关




result 结果

annual 每年的

reach 达到

obvious 显然的

obviously 显然 = OB – vious – ly

foreigner 外国人 = fo – ru -ner

foreign 外国的 = fo – run