F2F Class Notes 15th April (Tony)


the possibility is low

Lottery – many people enter a contest and a few winners are chosen

eg: He bought a lottery ticket and became rich overnight.

rigged adj. – the game is manipulated to choose the winner

eg: The lottery in China may be rigged.

curse – evil magic, make sth bad happen to you

eg: I don’t believe in curses.

superstition N. – belief in something you can’t explain, like good luck or bad luck

eg: I don’t believe in any superstitions.

eg: It’s bad luck to walk under a ladder, but that’s just good advice, not a silly superstition.

Mad Libs Game: 

Original –

Yesterday I went to the shopping(adj.) mall and bought a new pair of shoes(noun). They were really expensive(adj) but I borrowed(verb) money from my dad(noun). When I got home I saw they were the wrong(adj) shoes. I quickly(adv) went back to the store and talked to the clerk(noun). She said I need to call(verb) headquarters to get a refund(noun).


Yesterday I went to the interesting(adj.) mall and bought a new pair of elephants(noun). They were really reserved(adj) but I split(verb) money from my snow(noun). When I got home I saw they were the beautiful(adj) shoes. I verbally(adv) went back to the store and talked to the weather(noun). She said I need to order(verb) headquarters to get a book(noun).