F2F Class Notes (Andy) [R]


Vocabulary Review
Fill in the blanks with words from the list. Some words will not be used.

  • face-to-face
  • stay on task
  • status
  • wastes time
  • convenient
  • network
  • dismissal
  • second cousin
  • text messages
  • socialize

1.People these days don’t have time to ___________ with their friends _______________.

2.I need to change my ___________ to say that I am going away for the weekend.

3.My daughter ______________ sending ________________ instead of doing her homework.

4.A popular social media ___________ in my country is Facebook.

5.I didn’t know that I had a _________________ until my aunt’s daughter added me as a relative on Facebook.

6.She finds it difficult to __________________ when the people around her are socializing.


spends 2 hours. takes 2 hours

I spent a lot of time making you dinner, so you should eat it.

worker. air steward / air stewardess

catch-up. means to tell me what is new since we last saw one another.


at the national holiday. in / during the national holiday

in Chinese airplane they will stand by you and see you turn off your phone if you hold it. On Chinese airlines they will make sure that your phone is turned off if you are holding it.

I’m addicted to watch TV. I’m addicted to watching TV.

Like he got marriage. Like he just got married

my co-worker want to buy it on the website of iphone. my co-worker wanted to buy it on the Apple’s website.


Social Media Networks Taking Time for Friends

Keeping in touch with friends is easy these days. You can update your Facebook status and follow your friends’ tweets on Twitter. You can also send and check text messages from your cell phone. Social media is convenient, but how often do you see your friends face-to-face? Time and technology often go hand in hand. Some people say they use networks like Facebook because they don’t have time to socialize in person.

Others admit they waste time online when they are at work. Social networking on-the-job is a common cause for dismissal. Some companies block popular websites. They don’t trust their employees to stay on task. Perhaps there is a happy medium. Do you really need to know what your second cousin had for lunch? Maybe you should wait until your break to check.