F2F Class Notes (Ally)


menstruation: da yi ma

back yourself into a corner

spot: position
ie. You put in a tough spot. -> you make me feel awkward.
ie. I’m in a tough spot

the ball is in his court


both of us: both = together, do something together, no difference between A and B

even though (fact) + even if  (hypothetical, imagined situation)= connecting expressions, connects A and B
even = emphasis, 连, 都 so it is placed right before the verb

Speaking exercise

he just stand out and gave some speech.

I’m not interested in WLH before.
I wasn’t interested in WLH before.


wait for the depression get out
The only thing she can do is (to) wait for the depression to go away by itself.

it hasn’t described in the drama
it hasn’t been told in the drama
it hasn’t been described/wasn’t in the drama

any company won’t allow the colleague to disappear for some days
No company would allow the colleague to disappear for some days
Leave/Disappearing for no reason cannot be allowed in any company.
Companies wouldn’t allow the …

have a reservation for a date
they were going to have another date on the weekend.
they made a deal to see other on the weekend

she got a lot of resignations from different companies
she resigned a lot from different companies/before
she keeps getting fired

even you handed in your resignation
even though you handed in your resignation/even though she was already fired

I feel very noisy for her
I felt she was noisy.
I feel kind of annoyed by her.

Both of us were at very different stage
We were at very different stage

How could he write lyrics when he cannot even write a good Weibo post.

I will lend money even though I am super poor.

I won’t lend you money even if I’m rich.

How could I spend so much money on it when I don’t even think it is delicious.