F2F Class Notes (Ally)


manic: 躁郁症

bipolar:2 poles / depression and mania

unkempt: 蓬头垢面的; 不修边幅的; 凌乱的; 不整洁的

certain: 某个

phony: fake

force of nature: strong woman type

work attire: 服装; 衣服 for work

Speaking exercise

The New Yorker

they made it into a drama
based on true stories submitted by people

she played a girl who was psychotic

she performed her work very well
her work performance(n) is very good
I want to perform well = do well

she didn’t know how long would be the depression lasting
she didn’t know how long the depression would last/be

when she is normal/clearheaded/ isn’t sick

I don’t watch her movies a lot

Edit for yourself:

wait for the depression get out

it hasn’t described in the drama

any company won’t allow the colleague to disappear for some days

you cannot allow your staff

have a reservation for a date

she got a lot of resignations from different companies

even you handed in your resignation

I feel very noisy for her

Both of us were at very different stage