2VIP Class Notes (Consultant)

Today we read Lots of Hearts, a book about valentine’s day. The book had some new vocabulary for Angela, words such as heart, card, tape, boot, etc. In the beginning, Angela mixed up words such as “heart” and “card”. We read the book several times and she gradually started to remember how to say them. Valentine’s day is not only a day for lovers but also a day for family and friends. When I was a little girl we had valentine card trading activities at my school where everyone traded cards. I tried to explain to Angela that Valentine’s day can also be for showing the people around you that you love them.

The next book we read was Otto the cat. The vocabulary was a little easier, but Angela seemed to have a more difficult time understanding the story. I think it would be best if parents could go through the whole book and explain some of the sentences. Angela did not really understand how otto felt about the dog in the beginning and why his attitudes changed.


  1. read otto the cat and lots of heart at home, I will check her reading next class
  2. write 4 sentences about what you want from Santa Claus

As Christmas is approaching, I will leave a short movie for Angela to watch. The language is a bit difficult, but I believe you can understand the movie simply by watching it. The story is a Christmas classic called How the Grinch stole Christmas. Here is the link https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yP4y1a7pM?from=search&seid=754848919342587973&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0