F2F Class Notes (Ally)


moderate: 度的; 中等的; 温和的; 不激烈的; 不偏激的; 适中的; 合理的

reserved: 内向的; 寡言少语的; 矜持的

phd: (n)

picky: (adj) 挑剔的

catty:(adj) 散布流言飞语的; 刁钻刻薄的; 搬弄是非的

on purpose/purposefully: 故意的

brain twister: 脑筋急转弯

win over: 赢得…的支持; 说服; 把…争取过来


V = main idea, S and O must match the V
ie. issue happened -> incident happened

play – what O can you use after this V?
ie. play games, instruments…
ie. Play games ON your phone.
ie. Hang out with friends.

It’s (adj) + to do sth -> for stating concepts mainly
ie. It’s hard to learn English.

SVO -> direct
ie. I feel that English is hard.

on+ topic of discussion
ie. Did you hear the news about Afghanistan?
ie. Did you hear the news on the new Afghan government taking over?

Speaking exercise

the guy I like
the only 3 brands I can afford
the restaurant I couldn’t reserve last week
The guy who just finished his phD’s in Japan is my boss.
They won’t do the things/what they claimed in the statement.

My past-tense is not very well and I don’t very care about these grammar changes.
My usage of past-tense is not very good/I don’t know past-tenses very well and I don’t (really) care about these grammar changes too/very much.

I think I cannot compose the sentence very well. When I care about grammar less and less, my correctness/accuracy decreases.
When I care about grammar less and less, the chances I get my sentence correct also decreases.

I saw that girl was crying.
I just saw that girl was crying.
That girl was crying.
The girl who walked out was crying.
The girl who just left/was just here was crying. <-

I heard a lot of opinions in this case, but I think I may support to LJQ’s side. Because to be the top of opinion leaders of live stream is very hard. It takes a long time to win the word of mouth from the consumers. So when the issue happened, it hurts LJQ’s reputation a lot. It also decrease the reputation and reliability of Loreal. So I don’t believe Loreal will provide wrong price to LJQ on purpose.

I heard a lot of different opinions on/about this case, lots of people support Loreal,/This case is difficult to say…  but I think I may support LJQ’s side. Because to be at the top of opinion leaders/to be the most popular/best/the biggest live streamer is very hard. It takes a long time to win over the consumers. So when the  incident happened, it hurt LJQ’s reputation a lot. It also hurt the reputation and reliability of Loreal. So I don’t believe Loreal provided the/would provide the wrong price to LJQ on purpose.